It is hence concluded that it may be possible to fractionate total respiratory resistance into central and peripheral components by using the frequency dependence of forced oscillatory effective resistance. 说明利用强迫振荡有效阻力的频率依赖性可以分离中心和外周呼吸阻力。
The aim of this study was to screen effective resistance sources to P.sojae for disease control and resistance breeding. 本研究目的是筛选大豆疫霉根腐病抗源,为病害防治和抗病品种的选育提供参考。
Lead compounds have traditionally been relied upon at low levels in adhesives for their effective environmental resistance properties, in particular, corrosion protection. 由于铅化合物具有有效的耐环境性能,特别是防腐蚀性能,所以传统粘合剂一直依赖于少量铅化合物。
The population parameters and biological characteristics of high effective cypermethrin resistance and trichlorphon resistance strains of Aedes albopictus 白纹伊蚊抗高效氯氰菊酯和抗敌百虫品系的生物学特性及种群参数
Application of long& term effective reducing resistance agent to grounding technics for seismic station to arrest lightning 长效化学降阻剂在地震台避雷接地技术中的应用
We fractionated total respiratory resistance into central and peripheral resistance by measuring the respiratory effective resistance of big ear white rabbits. 通过测定大耳白兔的呼吸有效阻力,并进行中心阻力Rc和外周阻力Rp的分离。
The electric properties of coaxial cable, such as its characteristic impedance, screening attenuation, attenuation constant, and loss of echo wave, are related to the physical mechanism of the skim effective resistance, electromagnetic field, distribution parameter. 同轴电缆的特性阻抗、屏蔽衰减、衰减常数、回波损耗等电气性能,涉及到趋肤效应、电磁场、分布参数等物理机制。
At the same time, two multijunction thermal converters are situated in the power matching state to reduce the error caused by the variation of effective resistance of the heater. 在电压乘法器中,两个热电偶都工作在功率匹配状态,这样可减小由于热电偶加热丝有效电阻变化产生的误差。
The theoretical errors of the DF type reflectometer depend on the changes of effective internal resistance ( mainly of leakage conductance) of silicon photocell. The experiments show that the leakage conductance is proportional to the incident intensity of light. DF型透反仪的原理误差来源于硅光电池有效内阻(主要是漏电导)的变化,实验表明,该漏电导与光强成正比。
In this letter, the concept of the effective resistance of the light tube is introduced and the matching design for the tube length and tube diameter is proposed. 文中介绍了灯管等效电阻的概念及进行变压器匹配灯管管径、长度的设计选取。
This text analyzes the effective resistance of conductor wire core, one of the main electric parameter of power cable. 综合分析作为电力电缆主要电气参数的导电线芯有效电阻的实用概念。
It was urgent that breeding and using new wheat cultivars with effective resistance genes to stripe rust. 培育和推广具有有效抗条锈基因的新品种迫在眉睫。
Effective Load Resistance: A New Method to Evaluate DC/ DC Converters Efficiency 有效负载电阻&评估DC/DC转换器效率的新方案
To inspire the effective resistance to power as technology, Foucault himself tried to rebound local knowledge or technology with 'aesthetics of existence' so as to escape from the powerful domination of mainstream technology. 为了激发对这种技术控制的有效对抗,福柯试图复兴一种具有生存美学特征的地方性知识或技术,以摆脱占据统治地位的技术权力控制。
The whiskers normal to cracks exhibit effective resistance to the cracks growth. 与裂纹相垂直的晶须有效地阻碍了微裂纹的长大。
The theorem on the limit of the resistance of 3 dimensional random Sierpinski carpet is proved, in which E n is given as the nth stage in the construction of the Sierpinski carpet and R n the effective resistance between the left and the right ends of E n. 令En为构造三维随机Sierpinski地毯的第n步,记Rn为En左右两端面之间的有效电阻值,证明了三维随机Sierpinski地毯电阻的极限定理。
Obviously effective systemic resistance was induced by nickel nitrate, PQ and pAP. 硝酸镍、PQ和P-AP均有明显的系统诱导抗病作用。
The resistance distance r_ij between vertices I and j of a connected ( molecular) graph G is computed as the effective resistance between nodes I and j in the corresponding electrical network is constructed from G by replacing each edge of G with an unit resistor. 连通(分子)图G的两个顶点i和j之间的电阻距离为通过用单位电阻来代替G中的每条边而相应构造出的电网络中结点i和j之间的有效电阻。
The High Effective Reducing Resistance Agent and Its Application 高效膨润土降阻防腐剂及其工程应用
Measurement of Frequency Dependency of Respiratory Effective Resistance by the Forced Oscillation Technique and its Clinical Application 强迫振荡法呼吸系统有效阻力频率依赖性测定及临床应用
Furthermore, we study the relationship between effective resistance and escape probability: starting at a, the probability that the walk reaches b before returning to a is the ratio of the effective conductance and the total conductance. 进一步地,给出了逃离概率与有效电阻之间的关系:从a出发,在到达b之前到达a的概率为有效传导率与通过a的总传导率之比。
Analysis of the Effective Resistance of Conductor Wire Core of Power Cable 电力电缆导电线芯有效电阻的分析
The advancement of history devastates traditional culture memories, while the local spatial imagination and identity has provided the effective resistance to the grand narrative of historical discourse, to a large extent. 历史的发展以革新的姿态摧毁传统文化记忆,而本土空间想象和身份认同又在相当程度上有效抵抗了历史话语的宏大叙述。
The foundation and core of effective resistance and prevention is the accurate measurement of financial risks, which has become a very important issue in the research of financial theory. 而有效抵御、防范与化解金融风险的基础与核心正在于对金融风险的准确度量,这也一直是金融理论研究中的一个非常重要的课题。
Due to the economic backwardness of rural areas, villagers are serious lack of effective earthquake resistance measures. Rural buildings are falling down easily under earthquake action. 由于农村地区经济发展相对滞后,村民自建民居严重缺乏有效的抗震措施,在地震作用下房屋倒塌的比例很高。
The fact that lacking of effective resistance source and irrational using of resistance genes, make the most basic measure through the resistant cultivar control stripe rust cannot play its proper role. 抗源匮乏和抗病基因的不合理使用,使通过抗病品种控制条锈病这一最基本措施无法发挥其应有的作用。
The results showed the three Chinese cultivars and the Triticum-Leymus mollis translocation have effective resistance to the dominant races in China. 2. 结果表明:3个中国小麦品种(品系)及1个普通小麦-柔软滨麦草易位系均对目前小麦条锈菌流行小种具有良好的抗病性。